Welcome to MomsLA, where we make a Big City feel like a Home Town!
We love Los Angeles and think it’s a great place to raise our children. Our job is to help you find all the best things to do in Los Angeles – with kids and sometimes without them!
MomsLA is proud to be a certified Women-Owned Small Business, operating in Los Angeles, California since 2011.

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We help local businesses reach their best customers: Parents! If you’d like more information about advertising on MomsLA.com or joining one of the events we produce with SoCalMoms, please fill this out and we’ll be in touch right away!
Enjoy all the content we publish on MomsLA.com every day!
We know you’re busy raising a family and living the SoCal life. So relax and let us deliver you the info you want – so you can have fun!
We’ve got:
– the best Things to do with Kids in Los Angeles
– the best Summer Camps
– guides to Local Businesses
– Our Education Guide has list of Private Schools, Public Schools, Charter Schools, Preschools +
– guides to After School/Enrichment Classes
And we have MORE:
– great places to eat
– great places to shop
– great family travel ideas
– great date nights
– holiday events
– Summer fun
We’ve got it all!
Sign up for our weekly email newsletters and get the info delivered right to your inbox.
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Our Story
In September 2019, MomsLA began a partnership with SoCalMoms and Fun Family Brands. Sarah Auerswald and Tracy Fredkin run MomsLA. Tracy founded SoCalMoms, the CityMoms App and co-founded Fun Family Brands. She’s married and has two sons.
Sarah co-founded MomsLA in 2011. She’s married and has two sons. Together, Tracy and Sarah plan to make sure MomsLA keeps bringing you what you need to have fun with your family!

Meet Wendy Kennar
Wendy Kennar is the Editor of our terrific weekly Things To Do with Kids list – and she’s our Top Contributing Writer. She’s married and has one son. You can read more from Wendy at WendyKennar.com where she blogs about books, boys, and bodies (living with an invisible disability).

Our BackStory (prior to 2019)
MomsLA was founded in 2010 (and launched the website in 2011) by Yvonne Condes and Sarah Auerswald.
Yvonne Condes is a writer and editor and the founder of YvonneInLA.com, where she talks about food, travel and raising her kids in LA.

MomsLA started as a way to chronicle our lives as busy LA Moms, and, at the time, we had help from the best Mom Bloggers in SoCal, who contributed articles about everything from breastfeeding to traffic.
Over time, the mission of the site evolved and we began creating content that served a need for busy families: delivering ideas for Family Fun in bite-sized pieces. That’s where we are today.
MomsLA has been featured on CBSLA, NBCLA, ABC7LA, Spectrum News 1, and KPCC, and in stories in the New York Times, on CNN, NPR, USA Today, PBS SoCal, and Cosmopolitan Latina. We’ve been guests on The Brood podcast, and on KPCC’s Take Two.
The Hub called MomsLA a local Blog to follow. Flipkey by Trip Advisor chose MomsLA as one of its Top Los Angeles Blogs. MomsLA was also chosen as one of CBS Los Angeles’ favorite local blogs and one of Mom.com’s favorite mom blogs.
MomsLA was named one of the 5 Best Blogs about Los Angeles in 2021 by Spotted by Locals – and we’re thrilled!
Sarah has been a finalist in LA Weekly‘s Web Awards for Best Neighborhood Blog. Yvonne was named one of the 16 Coolest Power Moms in Los Angeles by Red Tricycle. We’ve spoken at conferences including BlogHer, We All Grow Latina Summit, and the PBS Annual Meeting.
If you’d like more information, you can reach Sarah at [email protected] or Tracy at [email protected].
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