Type: Acting School, Comedy/Stand Up, Drama and Performing Arts School, Featured After School Classes, Writing Classes
The Crow’s performance arts education space for the youth is nestled inside Bergamot Station Arts Center and is part of Santa Monica’s newest comedy club, The Crow. Owned and operated by husband and wife educators and creatives, The Crow offers students a professional, inclusive, and safe setting to grow as confident performers in either acting class or stand-up comedy class. Read more in this recent LA Times article: https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/story/2022-08-06/how-a-westside-love-story-helped-hatch-santa-monicas-newest-comedy-club-the-crow
Comedy/Stand-Up classes meet for eight weeks including a final show performance on the main stage. Focusing on stand-up, improv, sketch, storytelling, writing and stage confidence, your child will have an opportunity to learn joke structure while finding their storytelling perspective and voice through exciting play and activities. This class is taught by Nicole Blaine: stand-up, mom, and The Crow owner. Nicole supports each student’s unique learning style as she uses the tenets of comedy to help discover their own point of view, personal style, and comedic preferences.
Acting Classes at The Crow are for the young professional and incorporate multiple acting techniques to enhance scene study, help build deep characters, work on audition readiness and cold reading for TV, film, and theatrical stages. With over seventeen years of experience teaching acting to young actors, Mickey has developed a system that teaches the tenets of serious acting to kids who also love to play. In addition to his work in film and television, Mickey has worked with kids in school and camp settings, so he knows how to make learning fun while giving kids the tools they need to succeed in the professional world of acting.