We want to bring you the best information about where to find healthcare and stay well. Our focus is on family wellness and care, and we’ve got information about healthcare providers all around SoCal.
These lists are meant to give you basic contact information about providers in each category; deciding whether they are the right ones for your family is up to you. We offer no ratings or endorsements.
We’ve got information about where to find Hospitals in Southern California, and Urgent Care Clinics as well. Looking for Dentists and Orthodontists in the Los Angeles area? We’ve got lists of them, too.
SoCal Pediatricians have a list of their own, and so do OB/Gyns, since Moms may need to find someone to help during pregnancy (and afterwards).
Finally, we’ve also got a list of Telehealth Apps and services, because this is the 21st Century after all, and not all health care is delivered in person anymore.
Please use this as a guide, checking out each practitioner for yourself first. And we wish you good health!
Health Care in Los Angeles Quick Links:
Los Angeles Hospitals
Urgent Care Clinics in SoCal
Dentists in Los Angeles
SoCal Orthodontists
Pediatricians in Los Angeles
OB/Gyns in SoCal
Telehealth Apps and Providers
The MomsLA MakeBetter for Better Health
Related: Learning About Diabetes Care
Disclaimer: MomsLA has made every effort to confirm the information in this article; however, things can often change. Therefore, MomsLA makes no representations or warranties about the accuracy of the information published here. MomsLA strongly urges you to confirm any event details, like date, time, location, and admission, with the third party hosting the event. You assume the sole risk of relying on any of the information in our list. MomsLA is in no way responsible for any injuries or damages you sustain while attending any third-party event posted on our website. Please read our Terms of Use which you have agreed to based on your continued use of this website. Some events have paid to be listed on MomsLA.

This website does not provide medical advice. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. This directory is self-service and is not vetted independently by MomsLA. The directory is for informational purposes only and is not meant to imply an endorsement or recommendation for any of the providers listed.