Type: Acting, Arts & Crafts, Arts Education, Creative, Creative Writing, Dance, Day Camp, Film, Improv, Music, Musical Theater, Performing Arts, Photography, Sleep Away Camp (or Overnight Camp), Stand-up and Storytelling, Tech, Teen, Theater, Travel, Visual Arts, Voice
SOCAPA offers Teen Summer Camps & Intensives specializing in Filmmaking, Photography, Dance, Music, Acting, Screenwriting, Drama and Musical Theater. Join the next generation of visual and performing artists at SOCAPA—the School of Creative and Performing Arts. With summer intensives ranging in length from two to six weeks, and campuses in Los Angeles, New York City and Burlington, Vermont, there’s no excuse for not taking action. Find out more!
Since its inception, SOCAPA has quickly become one of the premier visual and performing arts programs for young people in the world. Our students travel from across the United States and all corners of the globe to participate in our Summer Camps & Intensives in the Arts. Whether a novice or an advanced student, each is dedicated to working hard and gaining the most that they can for the length of the program. Our teachers are leaders in their field and love teaching at SOCAPA. Many of our founding faculty are with us today! They are dedicated to their craft and to passing on their knowledge to the next generation of artists. Our support staff care deeply about the safety, education, and social experience of the students. They work tirelessly to ensure that each student has a rewarding experience at SOCAPA. This combined effort allows for our students to have one of the most fulfilling experiences of their lives.
SOCAPA offers programs in New York City, Los Angeles, and Burlington, VT with intensives in Filmmaking, Photography, Dance, Music, Acting, Screenwriting and Musical Theater. In addition, we take advantage of our beautiful locations, planning trips and time to enjoy new friendships in some of the most artistic cities in the USA!
Connect:Address: 1600 Campus Rd, Los Angeles, CA 90041
Phone Number: (800) 718-2787
Email: [email protected]
Website: Acting, Film, Photo, & Music Camps at SOCAPA Teen Summers
Dates: Session One: June 16 - 29, Session Two: June 30 - July 20, Session Three: July 21 - Aug 3
Hours: Day Camps - 9:30a-5p & Residential Camps - 24/7
Age Ranges: Middle School Grades 6th - 8th, High School Grades 9th-12th
Before/After Care: Before Care/ After Care